Kent dentures has opened up a new lab and clinic in Gillingham at St Barnabas House, Duncan RD, ME7 4LA.

01634 931007

We run a clinic for patients requiring a new set of dentures as well as repair service. The clinic is located in St Barnabas House on the corner of Duncan Rd, Nelson Rd and Gillingham Rd. The entrance to the clinic and lab is the entrance that faces the traffic junction. We have a sign outside so you can't miss us.

Monday, 07 December 2015 10:53

A great service enters its 3rd year.

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Kent Dentures have been providing dentures for over 2 years to patients across Kent. We have had great feed back from this new type of service. "Increasingly people are wanting services which fit around them both in terms of time and location" says James Butt our Clinical Dental Technician. Kent Dentures have provided services to patients from 'East Kent' right though to 'West Kent' and patients have really appreciated the professional but relaxed manner of the staff.

Sunday, 07 December 2014 00:00

Free Denture Care Service for Care Homes in Kent

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Kent Dentures offers a free denture care service to care homes, which includes a number of aspects which will help provide evidence of good care for CQC inspectors. The service includes:

  • Free training for staff
  • Free advice and support for staff
  • Free denture naming service for service users.
  • Free screening and managers report for the care home
  • Free mini-presentation on denture care and infection control for service users
  • Free consultation and written quotation on new dentures and repairs.
Wednesday, 02 July 2014 00:00

Kent Dentures working alongside AgeUK in Kent

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Kent Dentures will be appearing at AgeUK day services near you over the coming months. We will be providing a brief presentation on denture care and will be available to answer some of your questions on dentures. During our presentation we talk about the best way to reduce infection risks through cleaning techniques as well as tips of reducing the chance of breaking your dentures when cleaning them. Some individuals have asked for our free consultation following the presentation, which we have organised at the day centre later on in the week. This has meant that people who find it difficult to get to appointments can still have the option of a high quality service but within a community setting and without the extra travel. Some have opted for us to visit them at their homes instead of using a private meeting room at the day centre, and we have been happy to organise this too.

We have been finding that there are a number of individuals who have not sort professional help for their dentures because they mistakenly believe that the process is too complicated or that it can't fit around their mobility needs. This has meant that some have struggled with poor fitting dentures unnecessarily, which has impacted on their dignity and health. If you know someone who would like to attend one of these presentations, someone who has questions or someone who would like a free consultation, then please speak with your local AgeUK day centre or call us on 01227 469813.

Wednesday, 02 July 2014 00:00

Kent Dentures sponsors Kent Care Home Association

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From July 2014 Kent Dentures is been sponsoring KCHA. Care both in the community and within residential care is at a cross roads at present. Serious discussions are taking place both locally and on a national level as to how we can finance care as a society. This may mean difficult decisions will have to be made, and care homes will want to evidence their place and value within society. We hope that supporting the association over the coming years will help care homes to make this argument out successfully as a group.

Another way we are helping care homes out is by providing a free care home service to them, which includes free training for staff and service users, as well as free denture naming service (to reduce cross infection issues), as well as provide free consultations to service users. The service will help to evidence good care practice within the home by providing evidence for a number of outcomes (as defined by the essential standards that CQC uses to assess care) from infection control to meeting nutritional needs. For more information on our care home service, see the July 2014 Newsletter available from

If you would like us to visit your home to discuss how this may work please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with which home or homes you manage and when would be a suitable time to visit.

Thursday, 08 May 2014 00:00

A New Denture Service for East Kent

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Dentures have been a taboo subject in the past for some people and so many people don't realise that nearly 1 in 5 adults have a need for dentures. If you are in the position to need dentures you will probably know that you can get them from your dentist although some have had their dentures made instead by a Clinical Dental Technician. There are a number practicing, some work with dentists and some work independently. A Clinical Dental Technician focuses on just the process of making and fitting dentures. A Clinical Dental Technician meets with patients and after agreeing a treatment plan, takes a mould from which to start constructing the denture. A Clinical Dental Technician then normally sees the patient four or five times in order to get a really good comfortable fit. There are a number of denture options and styles. Advances in denture technology and materials over the years have led to improved quality and fit. Having good quality and well fitted dentures is really important for people because it can understandably affect their confidence as well as their ability to eat.

East Kent has a new dedicated service for patients which concentrates on providing a Clinical Dental Technician service in the comfort of their own home. The service is based in Canterbury and professionals travel out to people’s homes to provide a discreet and quality service. The staff are police checked and qualified to provide the service in the patients home. James who works for Kent Dentures Ltd says “many people are happy seeing their dentist to get their denture fitted but some people have found themselves in a position where travel can be difficult or inconvenient. Some just wish to receive a quality service at home instead. We can help by offering free consultations and free written quotations.” If you have any questions you can call James for advice on 01227 469813 or visit